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7248 Penn Drive, Allentown, PA 18106

I have very high ceilings in my closet, how should I handle this space?

Inaccessible space does not have to be wasted space.  Difficult-to-reach areas such as high ceilings are a great area to store out-of-season items (sweaters), luggage or anything not used on a daily basis.  The following hints will help you to use that space efficiently.

Start by measuring all of the walls in the closet to determine exactly how much space you have to work with.  Measure the height of each wall, Always keep accurate records of all the information you are gathering.  Measure the amount of space you are currently using in your closets.  Measure the amount of hanging space you are using, count the number of shoes stored in the area and get an accurate inventory of what your needs are in your closets.

Take all the information you have gathered and let's see how we can make that difficult space work for you.  If you are double hanging on a wall with a high ceiling, consider triple hanging on this wall.  Place rods 42, 84, and 126 inches from the floor to triple your hanging space on that wall.  A rod placed 72 inches from the floor is ideal for storing long-hanging garments.  Another rod placed 114 inches off the floor above your long hanging area will also maximize your hanging area.

Designing shelves up this wall will maximize your shelf space.  Things stored in this area may be difficult to access all the time so plan on keeping things not frequently needed within this area.

Creative Closets' expert design staff can help you to use these spaces efficiently.  Call or write to Creative Closets, Ltd with all of your storage problems.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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My apartment storage space is very limited, any ideas?

Storage space in an apartment is not always adequate for each individual tenant's needs.  Many homes are built with ample basements and attic space which can often help in your storage situation, but most apartments do not have those conveniences.  By creating space-efficient storage areas in your apartment, your storage problem can be eliminated.

Start by walking through your apartment and eliminating any items that you do not need or use.  Keep the storage areas most accessible open for storing those items most frequently needed.  In your clothes closets follow the golden closet rule "if you haven't worn something in the last two years now is the time to get rid of it."

Many apartments will not permit you to install anything into the walls of your apartment.  You may think that your storage space has ended there.  Free-standing units can easily be installed into any existing closet without touching the walls.  Your storage space can be endless with custom-designed freestanding units.  When you move, these can go with you.  Hanging areas, drawer space, shelf space, and enclosed storage spaces are only a few examples of the space that can be achieved.

Organizing your kitchen and bathroom cabinets with pull-out cabinet organizers is another space-efficient idea.  These storage racks utilize all of the space in ll of your cabinets.

If toys are overwhelming your apartment, design a special toy storage area in your child's closet so that everything has a place of its own.  If you have a separate storage area, utilize that space as well. Bicycles, skis, and other sports equipment can be stored in specially designed storage racks.

Creative Closets' expert design staff will be happy to assist you in all of your storage needs.  Call or write to us with all of your storage problems.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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What are some organizing hints for under my cabinets?

Space under kitchen and bathroom cabinets is often wasted and very disorganized.  The floor of the cabinet usually ends up being the only shelf for storage.  The following hints will help you make that area more space-efficient.

Adding an additional shelf to your cabinet may be a very simple solution, but you should maximize every bit of space possible.   Pull-out cabinet organizers are available in various styles to organize every area of your home.  These organizers are steel units with an epoxy finish that are easy to clean and look great.  These organizers can be mounted into your existing cabinet without making any alterations.

The trash bag holder is a wonderful way to get the trash out of sight.  When in use just pull the system out, use it, and slide it back into your cabinet.  A removable plastic tray is set in the bottom of this unit to prevent leakage.  Carryall systems are mounted into the cabinet as well and have removable baskets to make life a little easier.  A lid rack can be used to store all the lids in your pots and pans.

Eliminate any used space under your cabinets and remember to use child-proof safety locks on all cabinets if applicable.  These safety locks could be the best investment you make.  If door space is available in your pantry or linen closet mount an organizing rack on the door to store things currently cluttering your cabinets.  Shelves in a pantry or linen closet are usually much shallower than the depth of the closet, leaving unused space that can be utilized by this storage rack.

There are many different types of cabinet organizers to fit your needs.  Always be sure when measuring your cabinet interior to account for the plumbing fixtures that run through your cabinets as well as for the garbage disposal.

We hope these organizing hints will help you organize your cabinets with ease.  Remember, you should have to completely organize these areas only once, if this organization is maintained, you will never have to reorganize it again.  Enjoy organizing your cabinets.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

Click Here To set up A Complimentary Consultation

What are some organizing ideas for our shoes that are not kept in our clothes closet?

Shoes most commonly worn are often kept in other areas of your house other than your clothes closet.  Shoes will get terribly disorganized if scattered throughout the house so here are some organizing hints for your shoes.

Design a storage space for your shoes in an area closest to the area where you enter your home.  For example, if you enter your house through the garage, a shoe storage system would be ideal in your garage or mud closet.  If you enter the house through the front entry, shoe storage would be perfect in your foyer closet.  All of this will save you time, and unnecessary trips through the house and of course will save your carpet.  It is ideal to use a foyer closet strictly for guests' coats and accessories.

Once you have chosen a specific area in your home to store your shoes, consider reorganizing the entire area.  By utilizing all of the space in the closet or storage area, you will gain space and efficiency.

Solid adjustable shelves are a very space-efficient way to handle your shoes, gloves, hats, and scarves.  Slanted shoe shelves are ideal for allowing you to view all of your shoes easily.  A simple shoe storage rack on the back of a door or near the entrance from the garage may be another solution.  Be sure to allow for various shoe sizes in your household and remember to always store your shoes beneath your hanging clothes.  Dirty shoes do not belong stored above your clothing.

For those unorganized shoes and all of your storage problems, call Creative Closets, Ltd. for expert design and respacing advice.  Remember that organization is addictive and will change your life.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

Click Here To set up A Complimentary Consultation

How can I organize my linen closet?

Begin by determining what you need to store in your linen closet. Do you need shelf space for towels and bed linens or a place to store shampoo, toothpaste, and other bathroom necessities? Do you want to keep a hamper in your linen closet? After you have determined all your needs, let's start organizing.

Ventilated shelving is ideal in linen closets because it prevents things from getting studied and always allows air to circulate. Shelves in your linen closet should be sixteen to twenty inches deep so your towels and linens fit completely on the shelf. Space the shelves according to your needs. Allow thirteen inches between shelves for sheets and towels and twenty inches for storing blankets and pillows. Keep the things used most often at an easy-to-reach spot.

Wire drawer systems are great in linen closets because you can store things in the wire baskets that you do not want to store on the shelves. You may choose to store your curlers and hair dryer in a basket and even the kid's bathtub toys in another basket. You can use one large basket in your system as your clothes hamper. When the basket gets dull and it is time to do the laundry, you can pull the basket out of the frame and take it right to the laundry area. Racks on the back of a swing door are great for extra storage. Tissue, toilet paper, medicines, and other bathroom accessories can be kept out of the way on this door rack. Medicines should always be kept high and out of the reach of children.

We hope these tips will be helpful in organizing your linen closet and if you need some assistance, consult your local closet design firm.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

Click Here To set up A Complimentary Consultation


Why should I invest in organizing my storage closets?

One reason to get organized is to make your life easier, and it will. Maximizing your storage spaces in a functional manner is a wonderful goal.

Organizing your storage areas will change your life. An organized closet will eliminate those days of crawling on the floor looking for “that other shoe”, or leave you wondering where that special sweater is. Wouldn’t it be nice to walk into your closet, choose your tie, and not have to pick ten up off the floor when you’re done.

An organized garage will give you a special place for everything. Tools, garden supplies, and all your hobby equipment can easily be found. Bicycles, ladders, and other accessories can be organized up and off of the floor.

A creative toy area will teach your children to be organized. By giving them reachable shelves, bins, and drawers for storage, you can make putting toys away fun.

Kitchen space can be organized by maximizing the areas in your pantry and cabinets. Pull out storage racks keep everything easy to reach.

The cost of reorganizing your storage areas is far less than the cost of adding a storage area on or even moving. What a good feeling you will get, waking up and walking into an organized closet, then down to your organized kitchen for breakfast and out of the house through your organized garage. What a great way to start the day.

Beware. . .  Organization is addictive, it will change your lids. Creative Closets, Ltd. will be happy to assist you in your new quest for organization.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

Click Here To set up A Complimentary Consultation


I would like to use my child’s closet to store clothes and toys, any ideas?

Your idea of wanting to store everything in the closet is a wonderful idea. The less clutter in a bedroom the better. That does not mean to clutter your closet. Now is the time to design and organize our closet in an efficient way that will be functional for you and your child. This is the perfect time to teach your child how to be organized.

Start by determining exactly what you would like to store in this closet. Remember that like your child, the quantity of things going into this closet will only grow. Upper and lower hanging clothes in a closet automatically doubles your hanging space and will also allow your child to easily reach his clothing.

Design your closet reachable shelves so that children can easily reach them to put their things away. Wire drawer systems are also great for storing toys. Putting casters on this system will allow you to roll it out to the play area and back into the closet when you’re finished.

The great part about all of the ideas given above is that your child can grow into this closet. You will never have to make any changes. Remember those shelves and baskets we designed for toys, these areas will be great in the future for storing sweaters, pocketbooks, and other articles of clothing, which will eliminate the clutter in your current drawers. Your hanging space will be functional forever.

Our expert designers at Creative Closets will be happy to assist you in designing and organizing your child’s closet for clothing and toys. We hope you enjoy this new phase of organization.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

Click Here To set up A Complimentary Consultation

How can I start organizing my closets?

Begin by determining exactly what your closet needs are for that closet. If you are organizing your clothes closet, it is important to calculate a few things. Count the number of long-hanging garments such as dresses, robes, and slacks hung by the cuff and multiply by two. Now, count the number of short-hanging garments such as suits, skirts, and slacks over the hanger and multiply that figure by two. This will tell you how many inches of closet space are needed for your long and short-hanging clothes. Count the number of pairs of shoes you will need to store in your closet. Measure the width of one pair of shoes. If each pair of shoes measures eight inches wide, multiply that number by the number of pairs of shoes that you have, to figure out the size of the shelf that is needed to store them.

Once your inventory is complete, start measuring your closet. Make sure your dimensions are accurate. Using white paper and a ruler, draw out each closet wall, making each half-inch equal to one foot. Draw three alternate sketches. If you need three feet of long hanging space that would cover one and a half inches of your scaled design. Long hanging should be hung at least seventy-two inches from the floor. If you need eight feet of space for short hanging items, put one four foot rod eighty-four inches from the floor and one rod forty-two inches from the floor.

Next, decide where to store your shoes. You know how much space is needed from your earlier calculation. One alternative is to use a wall-mounted shoe rack which can easily store only one pair of shoes.

For expert design assistance call Creative Closets Ltd. We specialize in designing and installing custom closet interiors just for you.

We hope these tips will be helpful in organizing your closets!

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

Click Here To set up A Complimentary Consultation


How can we move into our new home in an organized manner?

Start by making a list of all items to be moved. Make two columns beside each item, one to keep a numerical listing of the boxes and the other for the room destination of each box. As you pack, remember to mark the number, the destination, and the contents on each box.

Packing for your big move can be done months in advance. Anything not needed until after your move can be packed now such as kitchen items and out-of-season clothes. As you sort through your closet, discard any items that haven’t been worn in the past two years.

Moving all of your clothes can be very simple. The chest of drawers can be left alone as each full drawer can be moved individually. Hanging clothes can be moved in wardrobe cartons obtained from your moving company. Clothes can be taken from the closet tight to the carton.

Consider organizing your new closets now. Creative Closets’ expert design team will meet with you in your current home, obtain an inventory, and customize your new closets to meet all of your needs. An inventory of your present wardrobe is essential to making the most of your new closet space. The newly organized closets can be installed in your new home prior to your move.

When loading your moving van, put the heaviest items near the front of the truck and sofas and mattresses on the sides of the truck. Remember to rent a van that fits your needs. The tighter your van is packed, the safer all of your items will be.

Now that you are starting fresh, organize your new home once. Don’t try to tackle this in one day.

Enjoy your new home!

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

Click Here To set up A Complimentary Consultation

We want to build a closet on an entire wall in our master bedroom. Any ideas?

What a wonderful idea to designate a whole wall for your personal storage needs. Your first decision of course, will be on which wall to design your closet. Draw a floor plan of your master bedroom using alternate walls on which to build your closet. Consider the placement of the furniture in the bedroom to allow easy access to everything.

Any closet built to house hanging clothes must be at least 24” deep. Double-hanging areas must be at least 84” high. A closet can be built with 2x4’s and drywall or a custom laminated freestanding closet can be designed to meet all of your needs. One advantage to a laminated closet is that when you move, you can take it with you. Laminated doors will keep your storage areas enclosed.

Built-in drawers quickly take the place of your current dresser drawers. A pull-out hamer unit will hide a removable hamper basket behind closed doors. Jewelry can be stored in a velvet-lined jewelry drawer with small compartments to organize all of your jewelry.

Be creative when you cross obstacles. Designing and building a unit around a door or window looks great and will add a focal point to your room. A window seat placed under a window will give you additional storage and a nice cozy reading area.

Ideas for your new closet are endless. Be sure to consider all of your storage needs when designing your new storage area. Your new closet will not only add beauty to your master bedroom but will meet all of your storage needs as well.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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