Call Us :610.433.0933

7248 Penn Drive, Allentown, PA 18106

I would like to use my child’s closet to store clothes and toys, any ideas?

Your idea of wanting to store everything in the closet is a wonderful idea. The less clutter in a bedroom the better. That does not mean to clutter your closet. Now is the time to design and organize our closet in an efficient way that will be functional for you and your child. This is the perfect time to teach your child how to be organized.

Start by determining exactly what you would like to store in this closet. Remember that like your child, the quantity of things going into this closet will only grow. Upper and lower hanging clothes in a closet automatically doubles your hanging space and will also allow your child to easily reach his clothing.

Design your closet reachable shelves so that children can easily reach them to put their things away. Wire drawer systems are also great for storing toys. Putting casters on this system will allow you to roll it out to the play area and back into the closet when you’re finished.

The great part about all of the ideas given above is that your child can grow into this closet. You will never have to make any changes. Remember those shelves and baskets we designed for toys, these areas will be great in the future for storing sweaters, pocketbooks, and other articles of clothing, which will eliminate the clutter in your current drawers. Your hanging space will be functional forever.

Our expert designers at Creative Closets will be happy to assist you in designing and organizing your child’s closet for clothing and toys. We hope you enjoy this new phase of organization.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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