Call Us :610.433.0933

7248 Penn Drive, Allentown, PA 18106

Why should I invest in organizing my storage closets?

One reason to get organized is to make your life easier, and it will. Maximizing your storage spaces in a functional manner is a wonderful goal.

Organizing your storage areas will change your life. An organized closet will eliminate those days of crawling on the floor looking for “that other shoe”, or leave you wondering where that special sweater is. Wouldn’t it be nice to walk into your closet, choose your tie, and not have to pick ten up off the floor when you’re done.

An organized garage will give you a special place for everything. Tools, garden supplies, and all your hobby equipment can easily be found. Bicycles, ladders, and other accessories can be organized up and off of the floor.

A creative toy area will teach your children to be organized. By giving them reachable shelves, bins, and drawers for storage, you can make putting toys away fun.

Kitchen space can be organized by maximizing the areas in your pantry and cabinets. Pull out storage racks keep everything easy to reach.

The cost of reorganizing your storage areas is far less than the cost of adding a storage area on or even moving. What a good feeling you will get, waking up and walking into an organized closet, then down to your organized kitchen for breakfast and out of the house through your organized garage. What a great way to start the day.

Beware. . .  Organization is addictive, it will change your lids. Creative Closets, Ltd. will be happy to assist you in your new quest for organization.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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