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We would like to organize a yard sale, any hints?

Now is the time to start your Spring cleaning. Organizing a garage or yard sale is a great way to make a few extra dollars and clear your house of that extra clutter.

The first thing to do is to get together with your neighbors and decide on a date as to when to have your yard sale. The more people involved, the more successful it will be. Post signs and advertise your yard sale in local newspapers. Consider a rain date now so that if weather is a problem, you will be prepared.

Start in the attic of your home and start cleaning those unwanted items out. Continue through your home until you have uncluttered your whole house. Follow that old closet saying that “If you haven’t worn something in two years, get rid of it.” Remember that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

Go through and make a list of those items you are going to sell at your yard sale. Figure out reasonable prices for all your items and keep in mind that your goal is to eliminate this clutter from your home. Mark each item with its price. Be sure to keep a cash box on hand with extra currency and change so you are ready for business.

 On the day of your yard sale, be ready bright and early. Be sure to have your signs posted days in advance. Be prepared to negotiate pricing with people, some people live for yard sales. Most of all, have fun at your yard sale, get rid of that extra clutter, and make a few extra dollars.

 Have a great yard sale!

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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Article Name
Organizing a garage or yard sale is a great way to make a few extra dollars and clear your house of that extra clutter.
Organizing a garage or yard sale is a great way to make a few extra dollars and clear your house of that extra clutter.
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Creative Closets®, Ltd.
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