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7248 Penn Drive, Allentown, PA 18106

With spring around the corner, here are some ideas for outdoor toy storage

Outdoor storage of toys can be accomplished in many creative ways.  Designing a special area outside for your play/toy area is a great way to start.

If your play area has a fence nearby, install white ventilated steel shelving at varied heights to store outdoor toys.  This special type of shelving resists chipping, cracking, and peeling and will hold up to 10 pounds per linear foot.  It will not rust as it does not allow moisture to settle on the shelf. White ventilated steel shelving is virtually maintenance-free and does not require constant upkeep as wooden shelves do.  A hanging tie and belt rack works great for hanging shovels.  Baskets for small trucks and other small toys can be stored in wire baskets.

Wire basket systems also work ideally for storing outside toys and games.  Casters placed on the bins will allow the system to be rolled outside from the garage, stored, used, and then rolled back in again when the children are finished using them.

Colorful heavy-duty plastic bins for outdoor toy storage.  A steel grid can be mounted outside and each individual bin can hang off of the grid.  Bins vary in size and are available in bold primary colors.

Hooks or special hanging accessories can hold the children's shovels and other outdoor supplies.  A hanging toy hammock is another great idea.

Creative Closets, Ltd. can custom design your outdoor storage area to fit all of your needs.  Give us a call for some Creative advice on all your "out of control" areas.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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