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7248 Penn Drive, Allentown, PA 18106

My children have so many stuffed animals, how can I organize them?

Stuffed animals seem to be a favorite to everybody and throughout the years, the collection just seems to grow. Stuffed animals are usually a part of your life from day one. If kept in an organized manner, you will appreciate your collection throughout the years.

Most stuffed animals range in size from a few inches to a few feet tall. Allowing space for various sizes will make storing them much easier. One idea for storing stuffed animals and displaying them is a shelf around the perimeter of the bedroom. Ake the shelf 9” deep and color coordinate it with the rest of the decor.

Nets are also available to hang off the walls in the corners of rooms to store stuffed animals. This idea works great and can display your collection very neatly. Hanging a pole 2” in diameter and six feet high, from the ceiling with hooks placed around the pole at varied heights is another idea. Stuffed animals can be hung from the hooks for a neat look and hung lower on the lower part of the pole for children to reach them easily.

Keep those special stuffed animals safely kept away so that in years to come, fond memories are not far away. You will enjoy showing your children and grandchildren your favorite stuffed animal. We hope that you enjoy organizing all of your stuffed animals. Remember that organization is addictive… it will change your life!

Consult your local closet design firm for expert respacing advice. Adequate storage space will certainly make your life easier and your home less cluttered.

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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