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7248 Penn Drive, Allentown, PA 18106

Can you give us some organizing hints for our office?

We have just started a brand new year, and what better way to start this new year than by being organized? The organization does not stop in a closet, pantry, kitchen, or garage. Organization is addictive and can be carried through into all aspects of your life, including your working environment.

Start organizing your office by getting everybody involved. During your first meeting, discuss exactly what needs to be organized. Try to improve every system in your office in hopes of being better organized throughout the new year. Ask everyone for their ideas in this organizational event. Remember that a great idea is useless if never been heard!

Remove any files or items not related to this business year. Store them in an orderly fashion in storage boxes, dated and labeled. Review all employee, client, and/or patient records and update them if necessary. Check all filing systems to ensure the accuracy of orders and update all office manuals.

Office supplies can be stored in any unused space. Supplies can be stored very neatly in wire basket systems, and they look great. A shallow basket is great for storing envelopes, paper, and other accessories. If you have available closet space in your office, it can be used for extra storage. Our expert designers will be happy to design and organize those storage areas for you.

Enjoy this organizational project in your office. Remember, what you are doing now will benefit you throughout the year. We hope that these organizing hints will help your office run more smoothly and inspire others to organize their office. But, beware… Organization is addictive!

Call for information: 610-433-0933. Or email

Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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