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Hints on putting holiday ornaments away

Tis the season to put all those holiday nick-nacks and ornaments away. One is often left trying to find an organized way to store all their holiday items. We hope the following hints will help you and make your holidays in an organized manner.

Start by taking everything off your Christmas tree in reverse order. If the top of the tree is the last thing you put on, it should be the first thing you take off. Keep all the original boxes so ornaments can be stored safely and neatly. If you loved how your tree was decorated last year, take a photograph to recreate that look this year. Be sure to label all your boxes. The great idea is to use holiday stockings to store fragile items.

Storage area for your holiday items is often another dilemma. If space is available in your attic or basement, that can often be a great place to store holiday boxes. The awkward space under the steps to your basement is a great, out of your way, space for storage. If you don’t have to store these items in your closet, don’t! Your closet should be for your everyday needs.

Make taking down your holiday decorations a special event, just as you would when putting up your holiday decorations.

Remember, the orderly removal and storage of your holiday decorations will leave you well-prepared for a quick, easy, and enjoyable holiday season next year.

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Ellyn Elstein The Closet Lady®

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Article Name
What are some hints on putting holiday ornaments away?
One is often left trying to find an organized way to store all their holiday items. We hope the following hints will help you and make your holidays in an organized manner.
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Creative Closets®, Ltd.
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